Editing Blog: Completing the Editing of Our Video

Hello welcome back to my blog, Today I am going to walk you through the rest of our editing process. In my last blog I talked about our struggles and how we trimmed our clips. Today I'm adding the glam and creativeness to the movie. In my past blogs I've edited my videos with color and cute images but this time I can't, I need to make it dark and ominous. I First decided on what genre of music I would like to use.I didn't want any words in the music I just wanted creepy sounds. However when I asked Alyssa what sing she'd like to use, she told me she already found one. She choose Last Kiss by Pearl Jam. I listened to the song and it fit our opening movie scene so well but we couldn't use to due to the copyright issue. To be able to use this song we would need to email the producers of this song and request permission. The issue with that is they probably will take a super long time to answer or just not answer at all. Too avoid that mess we chose a upbeat but my...