Production Blog: Filming Our Beginning Clips

 On Saturday March 11th, 2023 we filming the start of our into to our movie, The Run. We planned to meet at George English Park at 12:00pm. We decided on 12pm because we weren't sure how long this filming process was going to take and we both had plans later in the day. Since we planned to film on a weekend it made the changing process easier. Alyssa and I both came in our costumes. Alyssa came in her all black outfit with her hair tied back in a beanie. I came in my running outfit with my hair in a pony tail. I also made sure t bring headphones to add to the running vibe. Once we both arrived at the park we sat down at a picnic bench to discuss how we want our limited time to go. We wanted to make sure that our filming would go as smoothly as possible, we planned to try and get all of our running scenes filmed in about 2-3 hours. We began the filming process around 12:30 and everything was running smoothly. This was until I needed to FaceTime Abril. When I tried to call Abril she didn't pick up, Alyssa and I didn't freak out because we thought that she was just away from her phone. I tried her gain and she still didn't pick up. Alyssa then tried her on her phone and she still didn't pick up. This was a huge set beak because we couldn't film the nexts scenes without this clip. I tried 2 more times and we still had no answer. We were starting to panic a little bit because we were running out of time. The clock was about to hit 3:00pm and we had to go. We asked our parents for more time and they agreed thankfully. We Waited for another 15 minutes when we heard the most blissful sound ever, my ringtone. It was a FaceTime call from Abril, she apologized and said that she was at theater practice. We told her its okay and we finished our FaceTime scene. This scene took a surprisingly amount of time ti film because the internet kept cutting out, but after what seems about 100 tries we got it. We finished all of our outside scene and we hoped in the car and drive home. We finished around 3:45. To save time in the future I placed the clips in our editing software. Come back to hear about how we film the next clips. 


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