Planning Blog 3: Title design in details

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! Today I will be planning my title designs for my final task!


The opening credits of my film will appear in a Chiller font. The chiller font has ink blots and stray strokes that add to the mysterious mood we hope to create in our movie's opening sequence. This font will fit perfectly in the background of our movie because it will be similar to the props, setting, and costumes.

Chiller font : 


To contrast the dark colors in our background, we will be using the chiller font in the color white. The white color will help the title stick out but also mix well with the setting we decide to embed it in. We will also use the chiller font in the color black for scenes with bright lights or when it is bright outside. For example, if we want to embed "Directed By: Alyssa Pearlman" on the window of a car, we will use the white font to contrast the dark windows. If we want to embed "Written by: Carleigh Tripp" on the side of my house, we will use the black font to contrast the white paint. Black and white colors help maintain the mysterious and suspenseful mood and do not interrupt the scene as a bright yellow would.

For example:


After the job is listed, the name of the person who holds that job will be 4 sizes larger than the job itself. This is so the person's name will stick out.

For example:

Working title:  The title of this film will likely be "The Run"

The title will be in black, bold chiller font. Something like this:

How will the titles enter and leave the screen?

The titles will enter the screen with a fade-in but will have zero movements. This is because we want the titles to appear smooth and work well with the action in the scene. Also, all of the titles other than the tile of the film will be embedded in the scenes. This means titles like "Directed by: Alyssa Pearlman" will appear mixed in car windows, the side of buildings, and in bushes as well. The titles will leave the screen with a fade out, not creating too much attention when it leaves, adding to the mysterious tone.

How long will each title be on the screen before it disappears?

The titles will appear on the screen for at least 2-3 seconds. We want to make sure the titles are long enough for the audience to recognize them, but not too long so that we can fit all of them.



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