Title Design Websites
Hey guys, welcome to my blog! Today I will be researching different websites that will help me with title sequences.
When I first enter the website "Art of the Title", the first thing that catches my eye is a drop down menu that says "Title Sequences". When I click on it, examples of recent, recommended and classic movie title sequences pop up with a thumbnail. This will help me with my title sequence research because it will aid in choosing which movies are the best fit for me. Below these, there is also an option to "View all titles", which allows me to view a wider range of movies and their title sequences. If I want to only look through movies that are in my Thriller genre, I can use the search bar to search "Thriller Movies". This helps me pin point exactly which movie sequences will aid me in the process of making my own thriller movie sequence. Next to the movie titles there is also dates, which helps me identify movies recently done, so I can use them to accurately inspire my title sequence. When I click on the thumbnail of the movie, I am taken to not only a clip of its title sequence, but also background information about the movie and their reasoning for choosing specific title designs. This will aid in my own designing of my movie titles because it shows me their process of choosing different title size and fonts. I can use their thoughts to inspire and create titles of my own that are best fit for the thriller genre.
That's it for today! Stay tuned to find out which movies I choose to research their title sequences on!
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