Creation of Our Website

 Welcome back! Today in class we began to make our website. My group and I started with the the website because we figured it was going to take the longest to create. I originally used Wix to create my website, but it was so confusing. I liked the concept of having the site plan the layout for you, however; the layout they gave me didn't meet my standards. When I tired to change out the photos, it wouldn't let me, unless I paid $15.99. I got super frustrated with the recommended site, so I found another one. I've been using SquareSpace. This site is super convenient and easy to use. I started by choosing the category, I chose marketing because the whole purpose of the website is to help promote our movie. Before I began working on my website, I wrote down the main things I wanted to cover. I wanted to include the title, a slogan, the goals of our movie, a meet the producers page, background information on the process of filming, and most importantly a link to our social media account. Once my group agreed on what should be featured on our site, the fun part began. Our movie is a murder mystery, so I wanted to incorporate conventions that relate to that specific genre. The biggest convention I used is colors. I included different shades of red, to resemble blood. I also used the color black to represent death or mystery. After completing the title and slogan, things got tricky. For example, I ran into an issue with the photos, they were coming out cut off and very blurry. I tried multiple tricks, I made the photo smaller, bigger, wider and thinner to try and solve the issue, but nothing worked. Instead of waisting my time, I asked my group mates for any advice. Sofia told me to send it to my phone, screenshot it, crop it from the screenshot, and airdrop it back to my computer. So I tried it, and it worked. The photo came out crystal clear. From there on out everything was super simple. It didn't take me too long to finish, since I wanted to keep the information short and sweet. I believe that our website is eye catching and really displays a mysterious feeling, I hope you do too. 


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