Production Blog 1

Hello welcome back to my blog! Before I could start filming I needed to pick out where I was going to be filming. This has to be one of the most important factors when it comes down to the filming process. My group and I needed to find a park that fit our specific needs such as a setting which had a secluded running trail, a decent distance from both of our houses, and a particular filming spots. To find the perfect park my group and I drive to three different parks: Holiday Park, George English Park and Birch State Park. Once there we scoped out spots where we could film that would achieve a mysterious film. We tried setting the camera up on a tree, near bathrooms and spots that were more in the woods. We didn't do any filming today be use we just wanted to get a layout of the land; however, we really liked Birch State Park because it can be more secluded, tress cast a ominous shadow and most people are by the water and not on the trails in the woods. We really liked this park and planned to come back and film on the weekend. That I deal went down the drain when the park was completely filled with runners, tourists, and bikers. We weren't able to film without someone appearing g in the background. Not to mention then sun was insanely bright and it was very hot. For this scene we wanted a cloudy sky, but with the sun breaking down on us it wasn't an ideal day and we decided to just postpone it, This was very unfortunate because Alyssa didn't have to work. Alyssa started a  job at a birthday company, where she goes dressed as a fairy for little kids and the hours aren't too flexible. To be able to complete our film we are going to have to end procreation between us. We have -land out our filming schedule and we are going to try and film scene 1 by March 15th. Trying to plan to filming schedule might be very complicated and intesnse since we don't know exactly when its going tp be cloudy, rainy or sunny. I checked the weather forecast and there was a good day on March 25th. The sun clouds were covering the sun and the cloudier the the park is the less people to attend. This would work out in our favor because not old do we get the park to ourselves we also obtain great footage. 

A potential filming location in Birch State Park:


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