Editing Issue

 Welcome back to my blog! In a previous blog I talked about the editing process of our video. However, while watching the final project back I noticed slight mistakes. The first mistake I noticed is that while filming a phone call scene, Natalia used Jenna's real name instead of her character name. I'm thankful I found this because no one in my group did, as the scene was super quick. The first way my group and I attempted to solve this issue was by adding a voice over. Unfortunately, the voice over was very mumbled and you could tell we tried to hide an error. The not effect the voice over brought to the movie was making it feel rushed and messy. My group and I decided that we would just re-film that scene another day. This was a good plan until we checked our schedules. All of us were completely booked for the rest of the week and our movie is due the 14th. Everyone went into a panic as we had absolutely no time to re-film. Once everyone composed themselves, it was decided that the sound would be muted. To be more specific, the only part that would be muted would be when Natalia said Jenna's real name. Jenna was in charge of soundtrack for our movie and her choice for music was quite interesting. She used music from the video game, Roblox. When I heard this I bursted our laughing but in reality it was awful. The music she chose made our movie look extremely childish and highly unprofessional. I looked up on YouTube a bunch of different sounds that she could use to replace the current music. The first thing I looked up was ominous music for the flashbacks, heartbeats for the killing scenes, and calm and energetic music for the shopping scenes and park scenes. The issues my group and I faced were mild but big enough that they needed to be fixed, and thankfully the errors were caught. Thanks for reading!


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