Why Is Everyone Busy??

 Today in class we dedicated our class time to choosing a day to film. Being in high school my group mates and I have many obligations. We used an online calendar to help us plan out the days we were all free. I am not exaggerating when I say this took us the entire class. Natalia just started a new job, so her work schedule is pretty packed. She considered taking days off; however, since she just started working there she wanted to make a good impression. This is highly understandable so she's looking for a day where she's not working. Due to recent events Jenna's mom has given her a curfew. She now has to be home at 5:30pm, not to mention she works weekends past her curfew most times. Luckily her boss is a little more lenient and always her to take days off. Sofia and I are mostly free, except for when we're piled down with school work. Thats easy to work around since we can get the work done ahead of time. After analyzing the calendar we noticed that we had no school the 19th of February, which is President's Day. Thankfully we were all free that day, so we decided that it was the perfect day to film. Since we had our day picked we discussed that props we would need. Sofia is super crafty, she offered to make most of the props. All we needed was a rose, a fake grave, backpacks, beach supplies and more but ideas will come to us the closer we get to our film date. I am super excited to begin filming, this is my favorite part of the class. I am not super creative so this class really allows me to tap into my creative side. I know that my groups film will catch your attention, we are giving 1000% effort. Thank you for reading Cambridge, I can't wait for you to see the film!


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