What Did I Do??

 Welcome Back! Today I was super excited to attend class because I had just finished my website. The website took me a whole week to create so naturally I was super excited to show it off. I showed all my friends who sit around me at my table with the biggest smile on my face. I made some final touches like centering photos and swapping the background color. Now that my website looked absolutely perfect, it was ready to be launched. Once I clicked publish my world came crashing down. I had to pay 17 dollars a month to keep my website up and running. How could this have happened. Before using SquareSpace, I researched to make sure it was 100% free, how could I have been so naive. Before deleting all my work, I tried to find a solution. I could publish the website however it would be private and only people with the password could access it. I asked my teacher if this would be okay and she said no because it would be impossible to send the code over to Cambridge. I was so disappointed because not only did I waste my time, but now I'm putting my group mates behind as well. Thankfully they weren't too mad about it, we all kinda laughed it off. My teacher told me that Wix.com was totally free, so I went back to using Wix. For me personally I find Wix to be a super complicated site to use. I announced my confusion to my group and Sofia explained everything to me. Although this was a major set back, I realized it wasn't really going to take me that long to build the website. I already had all the information written out, so all I needed to do was copy and paste. I also had every photo saved to my library on my computer so I didn't need to search for photos. I began working on my new site in class and thanks to Sofia Wix was much more convienent and simple to use. Everything was already set up into sections, so I really just needed to fill in the blanks with my information. They had each template already displayed as well so I didn't need to search for templates like "meet the team." Since Wix is easy to use, FREE, and I already have my information, the recreation shouldn't take too long. Thanks for reading! 


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