The Filming Begins

 Hey Blog, its the Tuesday after President's Day and there's a lot to discuss. As I mention in a pervious blog, before we started filming we needed to get props, well my group and I completely forgot about the props and just started filming. Since it was a Monday and my group and I had school the next day everyone was in a funky mood. Everyone was so lazy and didn't want to drive all around town, so we just filmed the scenes that were in a close proximity close to us. A majority of the scenes were filmed at Jenna's house. There are more scenes to be filmed at Jenna's house, but those scenes take place during the night. We could have filmed those scenes on Monday, however Jenna had a dinner at 5:30. The scenes we completed were 7-12, 13-18, and 43-48. As you can see we got throughout the day, there was a decent amount of scenes completed.


We started the day by meeting at Jenna's house. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to make it because my car was getting washed and my parents had a meeting at the bank. Thankfully, Natalia kindly offered to pick me up. When we got there we began filming all the day scenes at Jenna's house. For example the phone call or Jenna and I baking. There were many dress changes since each scene was supposed to represent a different day. To make it easier I just borrowed Jenna's hoodies and I brought an extra of pants to wear. Once we completed those scenes we drove over to the mall. There weren't many scenes that needed to be filmed here. We filmed us shopping. While doing this we all went on a little shopping spree, I bought a pair of sweatpants. These scenes probably took us a 2 to 3 hours to film. Once the scenes were completed, we stopped for lunch at Zona Fresca. I would like to mention that Sofia was a great filmed, she hasn't been in any scenes yet because she's playing the role of the priest and mother. We are planning to continue filming next weekend. I'm hoping the weathers good enough for us to film our beach scenes, fingers crossed. Bye Blog, Thanks for reading!


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