Filming Day Two

 Welcome back blog! Yesterday on Saturday the 24th we filmed the rest of our scenes. We all met at Jennas house again because majority of the scenes needed to be filmed there. Before filming today we all made sure our schedules were completely clear. This was important because a large portion of our film occurs during the night time and last week when we tried to film at night Jenna had a dinner. For example, most of the flashback scenes that are being used are during the night, this gives off a eerie or suspenseful feeling. Once we all arrived at Jenna's, we headed over to a nearby elementary school to film our school scenes. We didn't have access to inside the school which was okay, because we only needed certain locations. At the school we only used the picnic tables outside the front gate, the parking lot and the front entrance of the school. After filming the school scenes we decided to switch up our scenes. We originally said that we were going to film at the beach; however, this was surprisingly difficult. One reason being there were no parking spaces. The beach was incredibly crowed due to spring break almost beginning, there were barley any spots on the beach that weren't directly next to someone. So we decided to turn the beach scenes into pool scenes. There is a community pool right by my house so we went there to film the beach scenes. This ended up being perfect because the pool was completely empty. This allowed for a calm atmosphere that wasn't too loud, allowing the audience to hear us more clearly. We completed our scenes relatively fast giving us some time to soak up the sun and enjoy the nice weather. Once we got home we realized that we filmed everything, my group and I were so incredibly proud of ourselves and the work we put in. Come back to see how the postcard and editing goes. Thank You for Reading! 

This is a photo of Kendall, Ellie and Olivia trying on suits before heading to the beach, or now the community pool.  


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