Figuring Out Our Setbacks

  Hello Cambridge, welcome back to my blog. Today in class we were going to begin to create our props but we had a lecture on Media Ecology. Media Ecology is the study of hoe media and communication processes affect the human perception and understanding. We learned about different theorist too, such as Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman. Although it's imperative that we learn this, it was detrimental to our filming timeline. This was going to set us back a day because now we have to dedicate a say to making props. I know your thinking why not have someone do it have home. Yes, I was thinking that as well, but our groups main priority is to contribute equally. This means that we don't want someone applying more effort than anyone else. This isn't too much of an issue because we can swap days around. We originally we're going to film on Monday since its President's Day, and we have school off, but since we were pushed back a day; we are going to do props Monday. Natalia has work at 3, so we're going to work fast to get props done. If we have time, we are going to get some filming done. Whatever clips don't get filmed we are going to film on the upcoming Wednesday. We chose Wednesday because it was the only other day everyone was free. My group will definitely get some filming done Monday because our props should take too long to construct. We only need to make a grave, a flower and a fake knife. The only long part will be driving to a craft store to pick up the supplies. Since we're filming at Jenna's house, the drive to the craft store will be about 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back. Im super excited to begin filming, I have high expectations for my groups movie. 


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