Guess Whose Back!!

     Hello Cambridge, it's me again. Let me re-introduce myself, I'm Carleigh Tripp and I'm almost 17 years old. I'll turn 17 in December on the 21st. I cannot wait for my birthday mainly because its only 4 days away from Christmas. I really liked the course last year, in fact it was one of my favorite classes. Thats the reason why I decided to continue the course and take A-Level Media Studies. I like the aspect that the grade of the class is solely based on a test because I am not the best test-taker. I think that the characteristic of filming a video is a super fun and engaging. I believe that filming the videos took less pressure off me to preform exceptionally on the test, it allowed me to relax and just focus. I think that's what helped me get a decent grade on the test. 

    I'm super excited to continue on with the course, especially because I love my teacher. She is an amazing teacher. She has helped us so ,much with how to format the essays and how to create a great film. She's provided us with good editing apps and she doesn't create stress for the students, she makes the class fun. 

    From last year to this year my interests have change. I still play tennis and not to jinx myself but I'm playing extremely well. I ran Cross Country again and I finally beat my time. On our last race, which was regionals, I ran a 21:47. I was super proud of myself and it was a great way to finish the season. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. I look forward to starting the filming process and making sure your updated!!


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