The Vision Short Film
Throughout the Mystery short film, The Vision, there was a boy looking for his friend throughout a fever dream and never ended up finding out if his friend was ok or not. There was common sounds like creepy music playing in the background. The lighting throughout the short film was very dark and eerie. The boys bedroom as well as all the settings that were shown throughout the film were dark and made a viewer feel uncomfortable. A common editing tactic in the mystery genre is foreshadowing which means early in the film, a hint is given as to what is going to happen as the plot. Another common tactic is suspense. Suspense is built through ending scenes with cliffhangers, making a character complicated, intense point of view, and hints as to what is to come throughout the film. I really enjoy the suspenseful part about mystery genre films. Throughout all mystery films, there is so much suspense built up because you truly want to know what happened and why it is happening. This quest...
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