Movie Conventions Research: The Platform

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

Now this movie is very strange and is very suspenseful. The movie offers themes such as sacrifice, bravery, malnourishment, and physiological damage. This movie takes place in a vertical prison with no windows, no cells, a giant square hole down the middle and hundreds floors. The square hole allows for a floating piece of cement to pass through, this floating rock hold a buffet of all kinds of food. The people on the top floor get the luxury of having fresh, untouched food, while the people on the bottom floor are left with nothing but chewed up scarps, bones, and no water. Malnourishment is often seen in movies where the victim has been kidnap and is being help hostage. This would be a great element to add in our movie clip because starvation falls under the kidnapping theme. The sacrifice and bravery comes in when some prisoners put their life on the line by grabbing weapons and standing on the cement block filled with food. They fight off the hungry prisoners in attempt to leave food for the people on the bottom cell. Unfortunately not many survived the gruesome fights. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you liked? 

I liked the entire idea of this movie. The movie was so different from anything I've ever seen, the idea of a vertical prison and the physiological damage in the prisoners makes this movie worth the while. It's refreshing to see a good thriller that's not based off a murder mystery or a kidnapping. I liked the use of the non-diegetic sound and camera movements and angles. The music mainly consisted of a ticking sound, and low ear piercing beats. This type of music creates a feeling of insanity, this helps us relate to the prisoners, because inside this prison its kill or be killed. The camera angles and shots especially the zooms and birds eye view play a part into the damaging mental health of the prisoners. The close up play a part that leaves venires with question, what's going on behind their eyes? Durning the movie I was left with pretty graphic questions, about murder, suicide, and or sacrifice to try and help those on the bottom floor. The birds eye view shot shows us the people down below. We see the others prisoners struggles such as malnourishment and their mental state. The prisoners down below are rowdy, angry, and depressed. They don't want to ration food they want to eat everything in sight because they are so insanely starving. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you did not like? 

Although this movie was very fun to watch there were some elements I did not enjoy. Starting off with the movie became quite predictable and almost boring. The movie established what happens on each floor of the vertical prison very easily so when the main character reached the bottom floor we already knew how he was going to feel and we knew that this was going to be extremely tough on his mental health. Suspense and the idea of not knowing is one of the main elements in thrillers and it would have been good to see a little more of that in this movie. Another element that works well with thriller that this movie didn't have is creating a state of confused. As I said this movie was very predictable and it wasn't confusing at all. Having the viewers a tad confused is very important in a thriller because it keeps the viewers watching the movie and not bored. If they didn't establish what happens on the top floor, middle floor, and bottom floor and let us figure it out for ourselves the movies would have been 100% better. 


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