1.  How your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or 
issues? How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social
groups or issues?
    My music video challenges convections found in other pop music videos, unlike my high school self, I don't have money to 
spend on props. As we often see in music videos, there are flashing lights, white and multicolored. The closest I would get too a 
spot light is a flashlight. To achieve the good lighting I used thesunlight. The sunlight isn't as dramatic as the lights used in 
professional studios, but it was free and decent. Music videos of the time have different backgrounds in almost every shot. Neither did I have the editing skills or green screen to achieve this. I used the world around me. I tried to film in a different location every-time, it was hard because more scenes involved a doorway. The background fit perfectly with the song we chose, so it all worked out. Another dramatic aspect of pop music videos are the outfit. Creators of our time go full out to produce extremely addictive and entertaining videos. I didn't have the neon shirts or the sparkly dress, I had my grandmas closet. She has jeans, a button up, baseball cap, and cane which was eve thing needed for my video. My music video shows social issues consisting of arranged marriage and highly strict parents. In the music video the boyfriend is begging, trying his hardest to gain his girlfriend's dad's approval to marry her. Her dad is very overprotective and doesn't find him worth enough for his daughter. In some cases like this parents often find a spouse for their daughter who fits their standards, stripping away the chance for their daughter to experience real true love. 

2.  How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? How does your 
product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a media text?

    My music video attracts an audience due to its entrancing story. Throughout the video the boyfriend takes in many hardships to finally end up with his girlfriend. The challenges the boyfriend faces will keep the audience to stay and continue watching because the audience will want to know if he gets the girl. My video keeps the audience captivated because it uses unique edits and transitions. One unique edit I uses was blinking. This was to gain the boyfriends perspective to the father yelling at him. The story behind my video will also keep the audience engaged because there will be a new perspective on the lyrics. The my group the lyrics showed a deeper meaning and shows the difficulties many couple experience. Having a variety of back shots will keeps the viewers engaged because it offers different sights to see and experience. I first will punish my music video too YouTube because it is one of the most used sites for releasing videos. I'll then upload my video to instagram reels. Posting on instagram allows audiences to share through DMS and repost on their story. Lastly I will upload a 30 second clip to TikTok. This will reach the attention of bored teens who are scrolling the day away. 
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this product? 
    Previously I had little knowledge on how to really film a high quality video. The only experience I had was from the previous project which was the commercial. I made many mistakes when filming my commercial. Luckily for me I remembered those mistakes and was able to learn from them. At the beginning I did struggle filming the right shots and keeping my hand still. Once we filmed the first few scenes I go the hang of it. The next issue was when when had a high angle it was hard to fit the person's head and body in the frame. Thankfully I have a setting on my phone called 0.5, this allowed us to get the whole persons body in the frame. As we stated to get the hang of filming, my partner and I we completing scenes in one try. Once completing the filming aspect it was now time for the editing. I aligned the clips in the order they need to be in. I learned from the last time that iMovie was a confusing software, so this time I used an app called CapCut. On CapCut it was way easier to add the music and all the editing and transitions you see in our video. The editing was essential to the music video because its what keeps the audience engaged and what allows the clips to flow perfectly. Now reflecting I would say that my production skill have improved quite a bit since the last project. I didn't procrastinate and edited the best I possibly could. 

4. How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in the project?

    I integrated a in the editing stage of our music video. I used the editing software CapCut, to combine all clips filmed to create the music video. I choose CapCut because my cousin who majors in the school of communications said it was much easier to use then iMovie. I can access CapCut through my phone which allowed me to edit on the got or when I was bored. In CapCut I first explored their settings. I then checked out transitions. I choose the transition that was simple but held great power. Transitions are important in a music video because it's what allows the video to flow to flow smoothly. The next thing I did was upload my son which was RUDE by magic. This step was quite easy because all I had to do was go through my playlist and upload the song. Once the song loaded all my words were either ahead or way behind. To correct this I clicked on each clip and dragged it back and fourth till each scene and lip sync lined up with the song. This took a lot of time but once it was fixed it made the video look ten times better. I then looked at stickers and text to add. I used hearts, and thought bubbles to add more glam to the video. I lastly added filters. I used filters consisting a frame that represented a airplane window, a scene split into three, and a blinking effect. I also intergrade the internet to look up different conventions in pop culture music videos. I also used the internet to teach up the lyrics to the song RUDE. This allowed me to create the background story and know the words. Without the softwares and precise steps my video would look incomplete and quickly thrown together with no effort. 


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