Let's Wrap This Up!

Welcome back to my blog. I already described scenes one through six now it's time to describe scene six through twelve. For the Sixth scene I am going to need to prop up my phone to film this scene because Alyssa and I need to both be in the camera frame. I will be yelling at Alyssa to get off my lawn. Now I would ask my grandma to film but I can't ask her to get on the floor to film that low angle. The next scene is going to include a high angle of a person placing their hands on their heart. This is to show that the dad didn't need to be so harsh with the disapproval of him and his daughters relationship. In the next scene Alyssa will be proposing to me. Nothing can stop love between Alyssa and I's actors. I of course said yes because I am in love. The next scene is an eye level angle of Alyssa and I hugging on the porch. The eye level angle is me, the daughter, disobeying his wishes of me not getting married, at least to him. The next scene is just life after we're married. Theres a park near my grandma's house that's where we're going to film our next scene. Alyssa and I are now a family with a dog. We are going to use my dog, Ripley and it's going to be a long shot of us loving on him. The last shot of the music video Is the dad slamming the door in Alyssa's face. This is going to include a low angle to make it more dramatic. Wait Hold on, was everything in the music video his imagination to marrying his dream girl. Did her dad slamming his door knock him out of his trance.


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