What a Partner

 Hey, welcome back to my second group blog! I will be talking about the group I choose for my video, which is my friend Alyssa Pearlman. One set back this time when working with Alyssa is the fact that we are on a different timeline, but we figured it out and we're going to get through it. On a positive note Alyssa is a very hard worker who takes the tiniest assignments and does it to the extreme and makes it perfect. Alyssa has to be one of the smartest people I know, she gets amazing grades and does extremely well on her tests. I first met Alyssa freshman year and we didn't really start to build a friendship until half way through.  It was easy building our connection because I sat right behind her in Spanish class. I know I made the right choice of having her in my group because she played a huge part in making our commercial great. My group went through changes from last time because Taylor is no longer in our group. This is because Taylor moved to St. Thomas Aquinas, a different school in Fort Lauderdale. I will miss having Taylor as group mate because I have known her for a long time and she is a really close friend of mine. But I know that with or without her, my group will be responsible at getting this music video done. I know it will be hard working with only two people because we now have more tasks to do. However, we both have family and friends we can use to help us film. I have my parents and my friend Abril, and she has her siblings and parents as well. I know that we will need them because filming the commercial with 3 people was hard enough, imagine with only 2. After discussing which song genre we wanted to do, we decided to choose the pop song "Rude" by MAGIC! for our music video. We chose this song because we know all of the lyrics, and have lots of ideas for it. It was a hard to choose a song because there was so many options. But we finally decided to do "Rude" because the scenes were the most enjoyable and achievable. That's it for today, keep reading to find out about my research!


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