Its Me Again

 Hey Cambridge it's me, Carleigh Tripp, again. I am still a student at Fort Lauderdale High School and I am Still 15, however I am turning 16 on December 21st. I joined AICE media studies because I've always found interest in filming and showing my creative side. So far I've had a wonderful time making videos, especially the latest project we completed. The last project was a commercial and the item we choose was the energy drink Celsius. My favorite part of that project was incorporating the angles and editing that we learned in class. I learned a lot on filming and editing, mainly using editing apps and how to create those cool effects through technology. As we progress through the course I would like to film people who aren't part of the class to get more people than me and my partner. I would also like to include my dog since he's energetic yet can take commands well, if I told him to sit and stay he would. His names Ripley, he's 8 years old and is a Parti Poodle. Tennis is a huge part of my life, I've had to take sometime off because of some wrist issues and it's one of the hardest things. The worst thing about this is when I come to practice I play horribly and my backhands which aren't my strongest technique have been really falling behind because I'm scared to bend my wrist. Besides that I am more excited to film this upcoming music video because I've been through the process and have more experience but also I really enjoy music. Music is a type of therapy to me, I listen ton music all day. My music is so diverse in genres I don't have a favorite song or genre. Listening to music really helps me describe how I'm feeling. If I'm sad I'll play a slower song and if I'm happy I'll play an upbeat song. I've been thinking about songs and I want to choose a song that will be easy to create a story too and show the mood my partner and I will be feeling. My partner has a very energetic personality so she'll really be able to show the energy we need to create a successful music video. I'm just really happy and nervous to continue this filming experience, and I hope that my progression in the filming and acting shows throughout the blogs. Keep reading to find out the music song and genre I choose. 


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