

Hey guys, welcome to my blog! Today my group and I created a storyboard for our Celsius commercial.

  First Scene-

During this scene we will be filming Carleigh taking a sip of Celsius. The shot will be a long shot to show Carleigh’s whole body. The location we will be filming this is at a tennis court. We want to show the aspect of pre-exercise supplement drink, since celsius is an energy drink and can help accelerate metabolism, burn body fat and provide essential energy.

Second Scene- 

The next scene we wanted to include in the commercial is two people playing tennis, with the celsius showing on the tennis court. The location for this scene will also be outside at a tennis court. Carleigh and Taylor will be wearing leisure activity wear while playing tennis. The shot is going to be a low angle, and a wide shot.

Third Scene-

The third scene we wanted to include in our commercial is a person running on a treadmill. The location for this scene will be in a garage on a treadmill. The shot is going to be a low angle and wide shot. 

Fourth Scene-

 The fourth scene we will show a person's hand catching a celsius. This scene will include a close up shot and eye level angle . We specifically chose to have someone catch the celsius at an eye level angle so the audience can see the celsius close up. 

Fifth Scene-

The fifth scene for our commercial will be a celsius being dropped in a tank with strawberries, since the flavor of the celsius is Strawberry Guava. This scene will take place under water outside. It will include tilt movement and eye level angle.

Sixth Scene-

The sixth scene will be a black background with the Celsius logo. It will include the slogan “Live Fit”.

Each scene will last for approximately 5 seconds and contain background music.


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