final touches

 Hey, welcome to my final blog. After putting everything together, noticed that there needed to be a couple scenes that needed to be Re-filmed. Starting with the water scene. This scene was a sorts of messed up. Starting with the fact that it wasn't even center in the camera or that you couldn't see the logo on the can. We asked Taylor to quickly re-film this scene for 2 reasons. One we were on a deadline and two she's Unfortunately moving schools, she's going to St. Thomas Aquinas. Luckily the re-filming of this scene would kill two birds with one stone because in the original filming we didn't add a tilt. I plan on going over to taylor's to fix that. She's going to drop the can and strawberry's and I'm handling the GoPro and making sure the tilt is correct. The strawberry's also didn't fall too nicely in the water so it will be good to fix that up as-well. When going back and watching the video through the scene where Taylor catches the can didn't flow too well because that clip was vertical and every other clip was horizontal. I tried going into camera and flipping it with out having to retake the scene but it didn't work. In camera it flipped the video horizontally but that also included the picture so you have had to turn your head or phone to see it properly, which is what we wanted. Once Taylor gave me her correct version I had to edit it once again. I had to trim the clip way down due to the fact that it was about 10 seconds over the cutoff. There was a slip second where the camera wasn't showing so I had to quickly stop it there. I also cut it down a lot because Taylors has was awkwardly there waiting for it to drop. I cut it way down that her hand is in the air for 1-2 seconds then the can drops and that scene ends. Up next is my commercial blog and wait to see how energizing our commercial is.


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