Creative Critical Reflection
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?
My commercial used conventions found in other energy drink commercials. This is because our commercial uses athletes as actors, has the product, Celsius, next to them in every clip, and has vibrant text that describes the drink in every almost every scene. The actors represent Celsius' quality by showing the it does give you energy, it does boast metabolism, and it does help burn body fat if drinking 30 minutes prior to exercise. To attract buyers my commercial uses eventful colors, and fruit to endorse the drink shown in the clip, which most to all energy drink commercials include. My Celsius Commercial portrays the social groups as athletes. This is because it includes exercising, hard work, and plenty of sports.
2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?
My Celsius Commercial engages with audiences by using vibrant colors, descriptions, transitions, and advance editing tricks. My commercial also includes upbeat music to hopefully have the viewers feel hype and energetic. The vibrant colored text comes after each scene that includes exercising. we completed this task by freezing the screen which wasn't easy. My commercial would be distributed through social media sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok because these apps will give us the best results when it comes to views. These social media apps also includes the most people from the younger generation especially young athletes to see it, which is one of the bigger buyers for Celsius.
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
At the start of this project, I had little to no knowledge on filming. When I started, I didn’t know that half of the angles talked about even existed. I wasn’t great at putting together videos and how to use editing apps. It took me awhile to figure out how to add the music and freeze the screen. At first, I didn’t know which editing apps to use, but after trying out a couple I stuck to iMovie. iMovie was free and easier to use, and it was easier to achieve a smooth commercial. This was achieved by adding transitions. During filming, I learned how to move my camera to create the high angles, low angles, tilts and pan, which were used in the commercial. I also learned that GoPros are one of the best devices when you need to film an underwater scene. Its way better than my phone in a plastic bag.
4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
I integrated a software during the editing process. I filmed on my phone because it had an amazing camera and I was able to zoom while filming, therefore I didn't need to go out and buy a camera. It was also easier to use my phone because all of the videos were on my phone and that it was easier to put the videos I selected into the editing app. I used the software iMovie. It offers multiple options to create your masterpiece, I choose the option movie. I used iMovie to add the transitions and the music. The transitions were to make the commercial smooth and the music was added to make the commercial seem very upbeat and energetic. Without the use of iMovie my commercial would have had random cuts where I added the freeze and stops throughout. Most of the editing apps I tried required me to pay to have access to text, filters, music, and transitions. iMovie allowed me to edit mobily which is so perfect because I can edit with my group and on the go.
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