Title Research Blog: Us

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

 During the opening scene, the first titled displayed was the name the production companieswhich were Universal Pictures and A MonkeyPaw productions. All the titles appeared in a dark red color in a small font. The next title scene to appear was the name of the movie, which is. Us. They then began to introducesome of the actors, acting in the movie were Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, Shahadi Wright Jospeh, Evan Alex, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Anna Diop, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon, and Madison Curry. The person to cast these actors was Terri Taylor csa. Throughout the opening scene we hear ominous music, that sound people chanting, music was produced by Micheal Abels. The movie Us is very unique when it comes down to visual affects which were supervised by Grady Cofer. The next title scene names the person who designed the famous red jumpsuits worn by the imposters, Kym Barrett. The editor of Us was Nicholas Monsour. The next title to appear is the production designer who was Ruth De Jong. Director of photograph was Micheal Gioulakis. The executive producer of this movie is Daniel Lupi and Beatriz Sequeria. The producers of Us were Sean Mckittrick p.g.a, Jason Blum, and Ian Cooper p.g.a. The last Title scene to appear in the opening scence was about Jordan Peele who wrote, produced and directed the movie.


What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

The entire opening scene was a continuous shot with no cuts. The only shots that were included were an extreme close up and a zoom out. The close up is of a rabbit’s eye. The rabbit’s eye is very beady and red. As the video zooms out, we see that there are hundreds of rabbits of all different looks locked in cages. Once the camera zooms out a little more, we see that the rabbits are in what seems to be a classroom in the opposite universe. These rabbits bring significance because they it ties in the illusion of the genre thriller. For viewers we don’t really know why they are showing us rabbits but its creepy and we want to find out their significance. 





 What connotations do these images carry?

The connotations of the image in the opening scene of Us is a bunch of rabbits in cages. When looking at this picture a feeling of being nervous, creeped out, and vulnerable are sprinkled on us. Rabbits are often used as experiments because they are so helpless, these white rabbits in the opening scene may be an abandoned experiment, which is what the doppelgangers are. When watching this opening scene being creeped out and nervous is highly contagious. From the eerie music to the rabbits in cages, it’s just very strange. 




How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

Us establishes the idea of a Thriller genre from the outset by using high-pitched tunes. As we know now high-pitched tunes are common in most Thriller genres. On top of the high-pitched audio, people are chanting in a language that is not describable. This chanting almost feels cult like and its very eerie. Another way the outset establishes the Thriller genre is the way is successfully creating suspense. As I saw in the opening scene it goes from a close up to a wide shot of the setting. How does this create suspense? This creates suspense because it makes the watcher feel the need to prepare for a jump scare. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

 The film creates an insane amount of suspense and anxiety for the viewer. There are certain scenes in this movie where your heart is practically beating out of your chest. Not only does Us have a lot of suspense but it has a lot of action like fight scenes where someone wound sup dead. This movie is also having a good phycological side. It makes you wonder because this movie has a deeper meaning. Why are there doppelganger? What do they want? Us makes you wonder specific questions like those above. 

How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles,  transitions and editing techniques. 

They use technology every effectively. Their uses of angels and movements cause the viewer to be forced into the perspective of the innocent. The slow zoom in and outs create the suspense because the watcher isn’t sure what they will uncover when the zoom ends. The close up of the antagonist and protagonist face shows their emotions and true despair











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