What's going on behind the Camera?

    We did all of our editing on iMovie. iMovie is just a free app used to create videos, movies, trailer, and now storyboards. Once we figured out which app we were using I had choose the videos that would work best and put them in order following our storyboard. Once I got them in order I had to trim down the videos to 5 seconds each that way our commercial would make the 30 second cut off. Once we got them in order it looked pretty good except a little choppy. We tried some cool editing trick involving scene at the tennis courts, however, it didn't flow and made the commercial way too long, so we took it out. Alyssa noticed that one out our scene didn't include a tilt, which was required, so Taylor and her dad are planning on fixing that and sending it over to me because the project is on my phone. Our commercial starts with me drinking the Celsius then moves to the closing which is the Celsius logo. Before I started adding the magic I had to make sure that each of us we're in at least one scene each. I then cut off time. this was surprisingly hard because It was hard to get the perfect shot because some of the objects were closer to the side. For example in the Scene where Taylor catches the can you could see the can at the top. I had about half a second to get It where is wasn't in the clip. After I did that we came up with an idea to screenshot the ending of each scene. This was to add the effect of freezing. In the period where the screen was frozen we added words that fit each scene. For example, when Alyssa was running on the treadmill we added the word endurance. To get rid of the choppiness I added transitions. We used the transition fade because it was classy and simple. Finally after 2 days we were Able to add our music. We choose the genre Action because we wanted to have our viewers feel motivated and feel the energy of our commercial. 


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